Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 150
Cranbrook-Kingswood Dance Group Photograph Collection
Cranbrook Masque/Greek Theatre Rededication Records
Cranbrook Music Guild Records
Cranbrook Photograph Collection
Cranbrook P.M. Records
Cranbrook P.M., a continuing education and outreach program, was founded in 1973 by the Cranbrook School Mother’s Council. The program, which became defunct by the mid-1990s offered a series of evening classes, lectures, seminars, workshops, tours, etc. focusing on the arts, languages, math, music, sports, and the sciences. The collection primarily focuses on the program's curricula, however there is a small amount of material associated with its administrative functions.
Cranbrook Press and Photo Department Records
Cranbrook School Kent, England Collection
The father of George G. Booth, founder of Cranbrook (Bloomfield Hills, MI) emigrated from Cranbrook, Kent. Cranbrook School, Kent is located about 40 miles from London and for over 450 years the school has occupied the same site and has grown from the original building to its present 70 acres in the town of Cranbrook. This small artificial collection, contains information about Cranbrook School's namesake in England, primarily containing publications with a small amount of correspondence.